Jeff Steps in to Solve Medicare Settlement Delays

In August of 2012, a private Medicare contractor owed Ron Mogel of Ashland several thousand dollars, and, when he contacted the office of Jeff Merkley, he was in a financial bind. He was still paying out of pocket for treatment of injuries he sustained on the job in 2005, and he was dealing with a mound of past medical bills and the fallout from the recession.

Mr. Mogel had submitted the necessary paperwork to the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Contractor (MSPRC) in December 2011, and for nine months, the only thing they told him was that his case was “pending.”

Jeff’s staff stepped in and contacted Medicare right away, pointing out that Mr. Mogel’s nine-month wait was already eight months too long. MSPRC promised to complete his claim and to pay him within a month. A month later, when Mr. Mogel still hadn’t received his payment, Jeff’s staff ramped up their efforts until his claim was actually completed ten days later.

Nearly eight years after his injury, Ron Mogel had finally received his compensation that he was owed. Jeff believes that no Oregonian should have to wait this long to get the services and resources they deserve and that’s why he has a team in his office that is dedicated to helping Oregonians cut red tape and get the help they need.
