Addressing Climate Change and Building a Renewable Energy Future

Gas guzzlers again? Fuel economy rules are defended

WASHINGTON — Democratic U.S. senators and environmental groups blasted plans they believe may be in the works to roll back tough fuel-use standards for vehicles. They argue that a rollback would return automakers to pre-recession policies that led to the near-collapse of the domestic industry. Sens. Ed Markey of Massachusetts,

‘Resist’: Oregon Democratic leaders react to President Trump’s speech

Following a speech in which President Donald Trump called on unity from both parties, Democratic lawmakers in Oregon made it clear they weren’t persuaded by Tuesday night’s address to Congress. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who represents Oregon’s 3rd district, needed just one word to convey his thoughts about the president’s remarks. “Resist,” Blumenauer

Democrats: GOP will ‘rue the day’ it pushed Pruitt vote for EPA

The Senate confirmed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency Friday, installing one of the agency’s fiercest critics as the nation’s leading environmental regulator just hours after an Oklahoma judge ordered the release of his email conversations with oil, gas and coal groups. On
