Addressing Climate Change and Building a Renewable Energy Future

‘Resist’: Oregon Democratic leaders react to President Trump’s speech

Following a speech in which President Donald Trump called on unity from both parties, Democratic lawmakers in Oregon made it clear they weren’t persuaded by Tuesday night’s address to Congress. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who represents Oregon’s 3rd district, needed just one word to convey his thoughts about the president’s remarks. “Resist,” Blumenauer

Democrats: GOP will ‘rue the day’ it pushed Pruitt vote for EPA

The Senate confirmed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency Friday, installing one of the agency’s fiercest critics as the nation’s leading environmental regulator just hours after an Oklahoma judge ordered the release of his email conversations with oil, gas and coal groups. On


Given that a cache of documents that might show whether Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trump’s choice to run the Environmental Protection Agency, ought to get the job is due to be released next Tuesday, why did Senate Republicans insist, over Democratic protests, on holding a confirmation voteon Friday? Since there was

Republicans rush to confirm Trump’s EPA nominee Scott Pruitt after federal judge orders release of fossil fuel emails

Senate Republicans were desperate to push through one of President Donald Trump’s most controversial Cabinet nominees Friday without a complete vetting of his record — confirming EPA nominee Scott Pruitt, 52-46. Late Thursday night, a judge in Oklahoma ordered thousands of letters between Pruitt and fossil fuel companies be made public. It’s a request he’s
