Addressing Climate Change and Building a Renewable Energy Future

Obama temporarily bans new coal leases on federal land

Angering coal supporters, the Obama administration announced a temporary ban on new coal leases on federal lands Friday as part of a broad environmental and economic review of the nation’s federal coal program. The decision, which was lauded by environmental advocates, came three days after President Obama said in his State of

Merkley Statement on Omnibus Vote

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after the U.S. Senate voted to pass an end-of-year spending omnibus bill. The package also included extensions of tax provisions and legislation to lift the ban on U.S. exports of crude oil. “This omnibus and tax bill contains many

Merkley Statement on Oil Export Provision

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after reports that must-pass, end-of-year tax and spending legislation included a deal to lift the ban on exports of U.S. oil: “Lifting the oil export ban is a windfall for big oil at the expense of working Americans and

Merkley: Paris Deal Represents a Breakthrough Moment for Climate Change

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after 196 nations announced an international agreement to take on climate change at the conclusion of talks that have been ongoing in Paris. Last weekend, Merkley traveled to Paris as part of a delegation of ten U.S. Senators to

Oregonians Address Climate Change In Paris

Two prominent Oregonians were in France Friday for the United Nations conference on climate change. Portland Mayor Charlie Hales spoke at a panel entitled “Financing City Action.” Hales said action on climate change happens slowly on the national level, but can be much faster locally. He gave the example of Portland’s recent fossil

Democrats Assure the World That the U.S. Is Committed to Climate Goals

PARIS — It is going to be O.K. That was the message from 10 Democratic members of the United States Senate who attended the Paris climate talks to reassure other countries that Washington would do its part. Of the 195 countries taking part in the talks, the United States seems
