Addressing Climate Change and Building a Renewable Energy Future

Merkley: House Vote on Clean Energy Jobs Bill Paves the Way for Senate Action

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed groundbreaking legislation to rebuild the economy around clean energy and to directly address the looming threat of global warming.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the following statement on the vote:

Merkley: National Gas Mileage Standard to Cut Household Costs, Reduce Pollution

Washington DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement of national auto emission limits and a 35.5 miles per gallon efficiency standard by 2016: “President Obama’s announcement today of the most aggressive national gas mileage standards in decades is a welcome step

Merkley: Oregon Grown Clean Energy Proposal Will Create Jobs and Save Energy

Portland, OR – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, joined by U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer, announced a plan today that will reduce energy consumption, create jobs and allow every American to participate in the fight to arrest global warming.  The legislation is modeled on the bi-partisan State House Bill 2626, authored by

Merkley Applauds Obama for Taking Important Steps Toward Addressing Global Warming

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson announced today that the agency is proposing a major finding on global warming that lays the groundwork for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The EPA’s proposed finding concludes that greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger

Merkley: Obama Budget Lays Out Path For Future Growth

Washington, DC – Today, the Obama Administration put forward its budget blueprint for fiscal year 2010.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley lauded the document as a good first step in setting national priorities over the coming year, particularly noting the inclusion of a robust cap-and-trade system to address global climate change.
