Opening the Doors of Opportunity Through Education

Merkley, other Democrats plan 24-hour hold on Senate floor to protest DeVos

Democratic senators are in the process of holding the U.S. Senate floor for 24 hours in protest to President Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks, including Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos. Oregon’s junior U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley tweeted that he’s taking to the floor for an hour starting at 2 a.m. PST

Opponents Rally Against Betsy DeVos

Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, Congressman Earl Blumenauer and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici on Friday held a press conference opposing the President’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, citing the detrimental effects that her nomination could have on Oregon students and schools. “DeVos has no understanding of public schools. She

Hundreds Gather In Portland To Protest DeVos Nomination For Education Secretary

A couple hundred people gathered in downtown Portland Friday to protest the nomination of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Education Secretary. Democratic Sen.Jeff Merkley said he received a petition signed by more than 1.4 million concerned Americans. “Betsy DeVos, did not go to a public school. She did not send her children to


Portland, OR – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, Congressman Earl Blumenauer and Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici on Friday held a press conference opposing the President’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, citing the detrimental effects that her nomination could have on Oregon students and schools. “DeVos has no understanding of

Merkley, Wyden hold town hall at South Medford High School

A few years ago, following the end of a federal government shutdown, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told reporters his next move: go dialogue with high school students about important issues in a town hall setting. “We were told that we could have a week or so at home,” Wyden said
