Opening the Doors of Opportunity Through Education

Democrats Issue Tax Forgiveness Bill for Defrauded Students

Democratic senators have introduced a bill to prevent students from being taxed on forgiven loans in cases where they were victims of fraud. The introduction of the Student Tax Relief Act comes after the Department of Education started forgiving the loans of former students of Corinthian Colleges Inc., a for-profit

Merkley and Wyden Announce $70 Million For Renewable Energy Research

Portland, OR – Oregon’s Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the Energy and Water Appropriations bill that passed the Senate this week includes $70 million for wave and geothermal energy research grants. Oregon State University (OSU), as a leader in wave and geothermal energy research, will be well-positioned

Wyden, Merkley Urge Dept. of Education to Clarify Legal Protections for LGBT Students

Washington, D.C. – Today, Oregon’s U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley joined 38 other Democratic senators in urging the Department of Education to release comprehensive guidance on the protections for transgender and gender non-conforming students in our middle schools, high schools, and colleges.  Students across the country are protected
