Standing Up for Human and Civil Rights

Merkley Statement on 6th Anniversary of Iraq War

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement on the sixth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War:   “We have now been in Iraq longer than we were involved in the Korean War, World War I, World War II or the Civil War.  It is

Merkley Statement on Obama’s Plan to Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Washington, DC – Today, President Barack Obama outlined a plan to begin a phased withdraw of troops from Iraq, winding down active military engagement in that nation.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement:   “Our national interests are not served by the war in Iraq.  I applaud President

Merkley Statement on Announced Closure of Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility

In response to President Barack Obama signing a series of executive orders today to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility within one year, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement: “This is absolutely the right thing for the President to do and the first step in restoring America’s reputation

Merkley Statement on Conflict in Gaza

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement on the on-going conflict in Gaza: “As a stalwart advocate for Israel’s security, I understand Israel’s need to defend itself from terrorism.  No country in the world would tolerate attacks across its border, on its civilians, without responding.  “At the same time,

Merkley Statement on Troubled Asset Relief Program Vote

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate rejected a resolution disapproving of the release of $350 billion for the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP).  The vote clears the way for the funds to be released to the incoming Obama Administration. Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley voted to release the TARP funds.  Merkley issued
