Standing Up for Human and Civil Rights

Merkley Issues Statement on Gut-Wrenching Conditions in Afghanistan

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley—who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee—released the following statement today regarding the ongoing situation in Afghanistan: “At the onset, our original mission in Afghanistan was clear and attainable: stamping out the Al Qaeda training camps, and holding perpetrators of the horrific

Merkley Vows to Keep Up the Fight on Voting Rights Amid Repeated Republican Obstruction

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley—the lead sponsor of the For the People Act—issued the following statement today after every Republican senator voted once again to filibuster debate on the bill, in addition to separately blocking debate on the DISCLOSE Act and fair, independent redistricting commissions: “We have

Following Senate Foreign Relations Committee Markup, Merkley Voices Strong Support for Repealing Outdated Authorizations of Military Force

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley—who serves as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee—released the following statement today following the Committee’s markup to repeal the 1991 and 2002 Authorizations of Military Force (AUMF): “The framers of our Constitution did not intend for the president—any president—to have
