Standing Up for Human and Civil Rights

Citing Anti-Semitic Incidents in Portland, Oregon Democrats Seek to Toughen State, National Hate Crimes Laws

Oregon’s U.S. Senators, Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, both Democrats, issued a joint statement today announcing their support for tougher federal hate crimes laws, and cited anti-Semitic incidents described by WW this week. The Senators co-sponsored the NO HATE Act, a bill introduced yesterday by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), which provides “incentives for hate crime reporting,

How Would The Equality Act Protect Transgender Kids? It Could Change Everything

In an effort to draw attention to LGBTQ protections, Democrats are looking to re-introduce the Equality Act in Congress. They’re facing a very conservative majority, but that’s sort of the point. Democrats think that by introducing the bill, they can show Americans exactly which representatives and senators are anti-LGBTQ equality.

Democrats Will Reintroduce A Major LGBT Bill As A Wedge Issue In Congress

Democrats in Congress plan to reintroduce legislation this month that would ban LGBT discrimination nationwide, despite facing a conservative majority that’s been generally hostile toward the issue. While the bill has little shot of passage, progressives hope inaction by Republicans can illustrate a chasm between the major political parties as

Oregon Sens. Wyden, Merkley denounce Trump’s revised travel order

Oregon’s two U.S. senators on Monday denounced President Trump’s revised order restricting travel for residents of six Muslim-majority countries and temporarily banning refugees. The new order halts travel for 90 days for people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The suspension of the U.S. refugee program will last

Merkley Denounces New Trump Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after President Donald J. Trump signed a new executive order restricting travel from a number of Muslim-majority nations: “Just like the old ban, the new ban makes our country less safe. Giving ISIS propaganda while ‘solving’ a problem that

First barred by travel ban, Iranian baby now recovering after surgery in US

The uncle of an Iranian baby ensnared in President Trump’s travel ban settled on one word Monday to express gratitude to everyone who helped his niece get to the United States for a life-saving heart medical procedure. “It was a miracle,” Samad Teghizadeh said as Fatemeh Reshad recovered at Oregon
