Standing Up for Human and Civil Rights

Merkley Statement on Administration’s Inaction on Barring Employment Discrimination

Washington, DC– Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, the lead sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, issued the following statement after reports that the Obama Administration won’t take action to bar federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT workers.  “I am deeply disappointed that the Administration will allow companies that accept federal contracts


(Washington, DC) – Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus and Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley led a bipartisan group of 24 Senators today in calling on the President to bring American combat forces home from Afghanistan.  As the Senate considers the 2012 Highway Bill on the floor this week, the

Merkley Praises New 2013 Timeline to End Combat in Afghanistan

Washington, DC – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley wrote to President Barack Obama to express his strong support of the announcement of an accelerated transition in Afghanistan.  The letter came on the heels of comments by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that the United States will complete its transition from major

Editorial: Skewed priorities

You cannot talk about the federal deficit without mentioning the war in Afghanistan. Sen. Jeff Merkley did both during his talk to the Columbia Forum last Wednesday night. Sen. Merkley took the annual spending on the Afghanistan war – $120 billion – and broke that into jobs that could be

Merkley Statement On National Defense Authorization Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after voting against the FY2012 National Defense Authorization Act:  “The most bedrock principle of our government, one that our nation was founded on, is that it protects the freedom and liberty of our citizens.  On this critical measure, the

Merkley Statement on End of Iraq War

WASHINGTON, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement on the end of the Iraq War:  “This day, the day marking the end of combat troops in Iraq, has been far too long in coming.  This misguided war should never have been fought, but today we can all
