Support for Living Wage Jobs

Merkley and Wyden Announce $13.5 Million for Coos Bay Rail Line in Oregon

Portland, OR – Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the U.S. Department of Transportation has officially obligated the $13.5 million in TIGER II funding to the International Port of Coos Bay to rehabilitate the 133-mile Coos Bay Rail Link.   “This rail line is essential to

Senators Ask Obama for Swift Action to Lower Gas Prices

Washington, DC – With gas prices skyrocketing across the nation, a group of six senators, including Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, called on President Obama to sell off a small portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to help bring down the price at the pump.  The senators called for investing

Merkley Joins Effort to Protect Servicemembers From Falling Victim to Mortgage Abuses

PORTLAND, OR – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley joined Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) in an effort to strengthen mortgage protections for servicemembers once they return home from duty.  The Protecting Servicemembers from Mortgage and Abuse Act of 2011 will help protect members of the military from mortgage abuses by encouraging financial

Merkley: House Bill will Jeopardize Job Creation

PORTLAND, OR – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement on the House of Representatives-passed resolution to fund government operations through September: “When I travel across Oregon, everywhere I go, the top priority is job creation.  With one in ten Oregonians still out of work, we need to make
