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Financial regulation: Taking it to the Bernanke – Editorial

Sen. Jeff Merkley would not disagree that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has done a solid job in the past year steering the American economy away from complete collapse. But there is, the Oregon Democrat insists, a small complication. “He helped set the house on fire,” says Merkley about Bernanke.

Rebuilding the Financial Foundation for Our Families

Mr.  President, I rise today to oppose the nomination of Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Fed.  I do so as a member of the Banking Committee who voted against his nomination in that committee, because I researched his record, and on that record I believe that Ben Bernanke is

Q&A: Sen. Jeff Merkley on Bernanke Confirmation Battle

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D., Ore.) last month became the first Democrat to oppose Ben Bernanke’s confirmation for a second term as Federal Reserve chairman. (The leading liberal against Bernanke, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, is an independent.)  He’s been joined now by three other Democrats and a growing list of
