Support for Living Wage Jobs

Merkley on recovery

Jeff Merkley, freshman Democratic senator from Oregon, was a big supporter of Barack Obama last fall, and he’s still a fan. Lately, he’s just been a little concerned. “Folks in key positions at the top of the Obama financial team are more oriented to Wall Street than families,” Merkley said

Merkley will look out for us in Congress

Jeff Merkley is sort of like the U.S. economy: He’s at the bottom, working his way up. In Merkley’s case, the bottom has to do with the U.S. Senate’s seniority system. But being a freshman senator hasn’t curbed his determination to help improve Oregon’s economy. Merkley has a seat at

Merkley Statement on Troubled Asset Relief Program Vote

Washington, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate rejected a resolution disapproving of the release of $350 billion for the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP).  The vote clears the way for the funds to be released to the incoming Obama Administration. Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley voted to release the TARP funds.  Merkley issued

Merkley Urges Use of Financial Service Funds to Help Troubled Homeowners

Washington, DC – As the incoming Administration seeks the release of $350 billion in funds designated to help financial service firms, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley is urging President-Elect Barack Obama to use half the funds to directly aid troubled homeowners. Last fall, Congress passed a $700 billion bailout of the
