Support for Living Wage Jobs

Merkley Applauds News that Majority Leader Won’t Bring Up TPP in Lame Duck

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after news that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will not bring up the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement for congressional approval in the post-election lame duck session: “It’s rare for me to agree with Senator McConnell, but in this case

How Predatory Payday Lenders Plot to Fight Government Regulation

Months before a federal agency proposed a new rule threatening the profits of exploitative payday lenders across America, the industry’s leaders gathered at a posh resort in the Bahamas to prepare for war. At the March strategy session, Gil Rudolph of Greenberg Traurig, one of several law firms working with the lenders,

Merkley urges Senate panel to confirm EXIM Bank nominee

WASHINGTON – Sen. Jeff Merkley , D-Ore., called on Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman Richard Shelby on Thursday to act on strong bipartisan support for the Export-Import Bank by confirming the EXIM Bank Board of Directors nominee to restore the operating quorum. Small businesses across America, including

Merkley Statement on DEA’s Decision Not to Reschedule Marijuana

Portland, OR. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement after the announcement from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that the U.S. will affirm its prohibition on medical marijuana. “Today’s announcement from the DEA is a huge disappointment to people in the 27 jurisdictions across the country that have

Merkley Urges Senate Banking Committee to Confirm EXIM Bank Nominee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley called on Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman Richard Shelby to act on strong bipartisan support for the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank by confirming the EXIM Bank Board of Directors nominee to restore the operating quorum. Small businesses across America, including

Filling the Gender Gap in Portland’s Construction Industry

Connie Ashbrook has seen hundreds of women pass through Oregon Tradeswomen Inc.’s (OTI) pre-apprenticeships since she helped found the organization in 1989. One that sticks out in her memory is a 24-year-old student who relocated to Portland, Oregon, all the way from Wyoming because she wanted a career that mixed brain with
