Support for Living Wage Jobs

Senators press FCC head on bogus equipment fees

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oregon’s U.S. senators joined four of their colleagues Wednesday in pressing Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler about companies charging consumers for equipment they do not use. Consumers of Internet and TV service complain more about billing than another other problem, according to a statement from the

Merkley Talks Retirement Plans For Small Businesses

Oregon Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley stopped by the Falling Sky Delicatessen in Eugene, Friday, to discuss retirement savings plans for small businesses. Earlier this week, Merkley introduced the American Savings Act which emphasizes a universal savings plan that can be transferred between jobs. Merkley says most employees don’t work for

Senator Pushes Retirement Savings Account Bill

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., unveiled Thursday the American Savings Act, legislation that would give workers without access to a retirement plan at work the ability to save through an American Savings Account, modeled on accounts offered to federal employees and Congress. “It shouldn’t matter whether you work part time or

Universal, portable retirement savings plan proposal introduced in Senate

Why shouldn’t everyone have the same kind of retirement program enjoyed by members of Congress and federal workers? Good question. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) thinks everyone should. Merkley today introduced the American Savings Act, which would give every American not covered by a retirement plan at work the chance to

Merkley introduces retirement savings plan

WASHINGTON – Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., on Thursday unveiled the American Savings Act, major new national retirement security legislation. He said the American Savings Act would give every worker without access to a retirement savings plan through their employer the ability to save for retirement through their own, personal retirement
