Merkley Urges CFPB to Issue Tough Payday Rules, Protect Consumers from Predatory Loans
WASHINGTON – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley – the top Democrat on the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection – strongly urged the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to crack down on destructive predatory lending by issuing new, tough rules that would protect consumers from damaging and
Middle-Class Budget Report Card: Ten Things to Watch for in the Senate Republican Budget
WASHINGTON, D.C. – With Senate Republicans expected to unveil their 2016 budget later today, here are ten things to watch for when asking whether it’s a budget that works for America’s middle class, or yet another budget for the best off: 1. Infrastructure investment Does the budget invest in significant
Merkley visits shuttered Blue Heron Paper Co. mill to highlight need for ‘level playing field’
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) stood in front of the abandoned Blue Heron paper mill in Oregon City on Friday to highlight legislation that he introduced Thursday to crack down on unfair trade practices. “The Level the Playing Field in Global Trade Act” would require that new free-trade agreements include enforceable
Merkley, Baldwin Introduce Trade Legislation to Level the Playing Field for American Manufacturing
WASHINGTON – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) introduced legislation that would crack down on unfair trade practices, level the playing field for American manufacturing companies, and help create middle class jobs. The Level the Playing Field in Global Trade Act would ensure that when other
Merkley Statement on Investor-State Dispute Settlement Letter
WASHINGTON – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after more than 100 law professors wrote to congressional leadership and the U.S. Trade Representative expressing concerns about Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in trade deals: “I share many of the worries raised by these experts, and I hope that
Merkley and Wyden Announce $1 Million to Jumpstart Southern Oregon Water Infrastructure Project
WASHINGTON, DC — Oregon Senator’s Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBOR)will award $1 million to jumpstart a major water infrastructure investment for Southern Oregon. Merkley, a newly-appointed member of the Senate Appropriations Water and Energy Subcommittee, and Wyden had previously pressed the