MEDIA ADVISORY: Merkley to Join All-Night Senate Session Calling for Climate Change Action

WASHINGTON – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley will join 28 senators in a rare all-night session to call for action on climate change. Merkley will speak on the Senate Floor at approximately 8:30pm Pacific tonight to highlight the costs of carbon pollution on Oregon’s economy, particularly farming, fishing and forests, and will highlight opportunities for solutions. 

Tonight’s call to action was organized by the Senate Climate Action Task Force, of which Merkley is a founding member.

WHO: Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley


WHAT: Floor speech as part of all-night climate session


WHEN: Tonight – Monday, March 10, 8:30pm Pacific /11:30pm Eastern


WATCH: Live video of the Senate Floor will be accessible on C-SPAN2 and online at


