Merkley Adds Banking and Budget to Roster of Committees

Washington, DC – Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley added two new committee assignments to his roster of appointments.  He will now serve on the Banking and Budget Committees in addition to the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and Environment and Public Works Committee.

“The Banking Committee will play a key role in the debate over how to reform and revitalize our financial markets while protecting consumers and homeowners from the kinds of predatory practices that have contributed to the current crisis.  And Budget is instrumental in setting the framework for our nation’s spending priorities,” said Merkley.  “Coming with my current assignments, these new posts will allow me to work on the issues most important to the lives of working families and the vibrancy of our nation’s economy, from health care to housing, education to the environment”

The Banking, Housing and Urban Development Committee, chaired by Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd, has jurisdiction over a range of issues dealing with financial institutions and markets, housing, and urban development and planning in addition to federal monetary policy, including the Federal Reserve System.

The Budget Committee, chaired by North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad, is responsible for creating the annual budget resolution, the blueprint Congress uses to fund specific programs through the appropriations process.

The committee assignments were finalized through a resolution passed unanimously last night.
