Merkley: Jobless Numbers Underscore Urgency of Investing in Energy, Education and Health Care

Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of Labor released new numbers today showing the nation’s unemployment rate has risen to 8.5% as the economy has lost another 663,000 jobs in March.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement on the announcement:


“Every day, I speak to Oregonians who are worried about their future and their children’s futures.  They understand that we need to focus on new solutions to create jobs, save family homes and reform Wall Street.  The discredited ideas of the past will not pave the way for a better tomorrow.”


“The Senate has now passed President Obama’s budget that will create jobs by investing heavily in rebuilding our infrastructure, strengthening our schools, reforming health care and accelerating the drive for green sources of energy.  It’s through these kinds of common sense solutions to our longstanding challenges and investments in our future that we will rebuild our economy and create opportunities for all Americans.”
