Merkley Joins Obama at Signing Ceremony of Housing Bill


Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley today joined
President Barack Obama at the White House signing ceremony of legislation to
address the mortgage crisis and assist families facing foreclosure.  This
week, Merkley also launched a new webpage aimed at helping families stay in
their homes.

“The housing crisis continues in communities across
Oregon.  Every day, I hear from constituents who are in foreclosure or
behind on their mortgage payments.  This legislation will help many keep
their homes and I’m very proud to be able to join President Obama as it becomes
law,” said Merkley.

The Helping Families Save Their Homes Act will help prevent
foreclosures, increase the availability of credit, and make the banking system
more stable.

The legislation includes an important amendment authored by
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) and co-sponsored by Senator Merkley to protect renters
living in properties subject to foreclosure . The amendment ensures that
tenants and families who might otherwise have to vacate their homes through no
fault of their own may remain in their homes for the balance of their lease or,
if there is no lease, have 90 days to find their next home.

Meanwhile, Senator Merkley’s new webpage provides Oregonians
with guidance on resources available to those facing foreclosure.  It also
contains helpful information to keep families from falling victim to foreclosure
scams.  The webpage can be viewed here.

“It is a sad fact that whenever a family or community is in
crisis, there are those who will try to take advantage of the situation through
devious means.  I want all Oregonians to be aware of these scams and be on
guard against those trying to profit from tragedy,” said Merkley.  “My new
webpage provides resources on how individuals and families can avoid foreclosure
and foreclosure scams.”

Merkley on the Web:
