Merkley on Supreme Court Marriage Equality Cases: “Discrimination Has No Place in our Nation’s Laws”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in landmark cases that could bring marriage equality for same-sex couples to all 50 states:

“There are few concepts as fundamentally American as equality.  As the United States Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the marriage equality cases, we must remember that our nation was founded on the principle that all people are created equal.

“Every American should be treated with the respect and dignity to which they are entitled, no matter whom they love or where they live.  Discrimination has no place in our nation’s laws. 

“The decisions we’ve seen in recent years – including the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the establishment of federal recognition for same-sex couples – have paved the way for extending rights to our LGBT family, friends, and neighbors. 

“I hope the Supreme Court will continue this steady march of progress – and to stand up for freedom, fairness and equality. I am hopeful the Court will rule to make our country a more perfect union.” 

A YouTube video of Sen. Merkley in front of the court this morning is available here
