Merkley: Senate Bill Promotes Equality for Federal Employees

Washington DC –
Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley today
co-sponsored legislation that entitles all federal employees, no matter their
sexual orientation, to the same employment and health care benefits as married

“It is plain wrong that some federal employees are not
currently entitled to equal health and employment benefits,” said
Merkley.  “This legislation will ensure that all federal employees,
regardless of their sexual orientation, have access to employee health
benefits, family and medical leave, compensation for work injuries, and the
retirement and disability plans that are vital to the financial security of

Senator Merkley joined a bipartisan effort in the Senate to
ensure that all federal employees receive equal federal benefits.  The
Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act will help the federal
government keep pace with the 16 states, including Oregon, and the majority of
Fortune 500 companies that are already offering domestic partner benefits to
their employees.  The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act will
provide the following benefits to federal employees and their domestic

  • Employee health benefits
  • Family, medical and emergency leave
  • Retirement and disability
  • Group life insurance
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Death and disability
  • Compensation for work injuries
  • Relocation, travel and related expenses

“This bill is a step in the right direction to make sure
that all Americans are compensated equally under the law,” said Merkley. 
“It is time for the federal government to stand up for fairness and ensure that
all federal employees and their loved ones are treated the same.”
