Merkley: START Treaty to Make America Safer by Reducing Global Supply of Nuclear Weapons

Washington, D.C. –
President Obama signed a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia Thursday to reduce nuclear weapons.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement about the new treaty:

“President Obama has demonstrated his global leadership by successfully negotiating a START Treaty that will make America safer by reducing the number of Russian and American nuclear weapons, strengthening our ability to verify information about Russia’s nuclear arsenal, and decreasing international dangers of nuclear proliferation.

 “The treaty, along with the new nuclear posture review announced Tuesday, sends a positive signal to the rest of the world that safety and security is best achieved by reducing stockpiles of nuclear weapons, not by building them up.

“The new START Treaty will soon come to the Senate to be approved.  The United States has a long history of bipartisan support for nuclear arms control dating back to Presidents John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.  I look forward to joining Senate colleagues from both parties in support of this agreement.”

Additional information on the START Treaty can be found at the White House website.
