Merkley Statement on NDAA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after the Senate vote on the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“I know from my time working at the Pentagon how important it is to give our men and women in uniform the full resources they need to succeed. I am thankful for their service and their commitment to the United States’ national security.  

“I also know that transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility are important to success in any mission—and that’s where I have deep concerns with the bill that passed the Senate today.

“At a time when we are underinvesting in the good jobs, good schools, and the affordable health care and housing that determines whether working families thrive or not, this legislation calls for billions in wasteful spending. It invests more in weapons and war, instead of diplomacy and development, including billions to make our nuclear arsenal more dangerous.  

“While I support many provisions in this bill and have an unwavering commitment to our troops, I cannot support the bill’s disproportionate spending for defense coupled with dangerous new provisions.”  

