Merkley Statement on White House Meeting

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement after meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House about the rollout of the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. 

“I am very frustrated with the rollout of the exchanges. The dysfunction and delays are unacceptable. After meeting with the President today, I remain deeply convinced that this is a ‘show-me’ moment. This will not be resolved until Americans can, day after day, sign on to the health marketplace, review their options, and complete their applications. 

“People should have the full measure of time envisioned in the law to sort through their healthcare choices and sign up. For each day of delay, the window for applications should be extended by a day. Moreover, citizens who cannot sign up until after January 1st due to the dysfunction of state or national online health markets should have the ability to establish coverage retroactively to January 1st.  No one should experience a gap in coverage through no fault of their own.”

