Merkley To Chair Green Jobs Subcommittee

Washington, DC – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced he has been awarded the chairmanship of the Green Jobs and the New Economy Subcommittee of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.  This subcommittee oversees the creation of job and economic opportunity through the deployment of sustainable infrastructure, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other clean energy practices. The subcommittee also handles federal investment in technologies and practices that reduce the government’s carbon footprint or the emission of other pollutants, including technologies and practices that enhance energy efficiency, conservation, or renewable power sources. 

“Oregon is a leader in renewable energy and the green economy, and I look forward to bringing those innovative ideas for job creation to the U.S. Senate,” Merkley said. “Whether it’s biofuels, wind, energy efficiency renovations, or any number of other ideas, we can create great jobs and growth while also building a more sustainable, low-carbon, oil-independent economy. We should be spending money to create jobs and opportunity here in America, not sending away billions to buy oil overseas. I look forward to promoting red, white and blue American-made renewable energy and working to create more jobs in Oregon and across America.” 

Last week, Senator Merkley announced he will be chairing the Economic Policy Subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee.


