In The News

Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley reacts to Delivering For America plan

KOBI 5 MEDFORD, Ore. – U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley spoke to the Senate this week about his concerns about the United States Postal Service. Postmaster General DeJoy implemented the Delivering For America plan in 2021. Merkley called the plan “Delaying Mail in America”. The plan diverted all mail to Portland

Oregon Sen. Merkley on USPS proposal: Return to sender, address unknown

Portland Tribune Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley continues his opposition to a restructuring of the U.S. Postal Service. Merkley, a Democrat from Northeast Portland, delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate this week, focusing on first-hand stories he said he heard from Oregonians who rely on the Postal

We Need A Strong Volcker Rule

Three years ago we experienced the greatest financial implosion since 1929. High stakes gambling and risky bets gone bad on Wall Street left our financial system near collapse and our economy in shambles. This crisis had many causes–all man-made. And it affected every last one of us, not just the

Editorial: Skewed priorities

You cannot talk about the federal deficit without mentioning the war in Afghanistan. Sen. Jeff Merkley did both during his talk to the Columbia Forum last Wednesday night. Sen. Merkley took the annual spending on the Afghanistan war – $120 billion – and broke that into jobs that could be

Merkley: 20 Small Oregon Post Offices Spared

WASHINGTON — After fighting for months against a plan to close scores of Oregon’s rural post offices, Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., announced Thursday that 20 are being removed from the list and will remain open for business.The U.S. Postal Service wrote in a letter that it had reached the decision

Why ‘supermajority’ no longer works in the Senate

My colleague Sen. Ron Johnson recently argued on these pages that a supermajority voting requirement in the Senate is part of our Founding Fathers’ constitutional design and that recent efforts to change it are driving the “bankrupting of America” [“A simple majority is not enough,” op-ed, Oct. 23]. I take

Congressional leaders should take close look at Merkley housing plan

Our homes are supposed to be the safe places in our lives. But that feeling of comfort is shattered when a family is faced with foreclosure.  Financial problems, topped by foreclosure of one’s home, create unbelievable stress. Besides the stress to the homeowner and his or her family, foreclosures damage
