In The News

Bend awarded $5 million federal grant to fuel affordable housing production

Bend Bulletin The city of Bend has received a $5 million grant intended to kickstart affordable housing supply, the federal government announced Wednesday. Awarded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the grant set the course for the city to identify and address policies that slow affordable housing

Wyden, Merkley, colleagues call on Postal Service to prepare for November election

KTVZ WASHINGTON (KTVZ) — Senator Ron Wyden said Thursday he is leading Senate colleagues including fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley in calling on Postmaster General DeJoy and the U.S. Postal Service to share their plans to accommodate high volumes of mail expected in the upcoming 2024 general election in Oregon and nationwide.

Oregon senators propose reforms

WASHINGTON — In the U.S. Senate debate over how to prevent another financial crisis, Oregon’s senators are working separately to get to the same goal. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., is crafting an amendment with Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., that would ban proprietary trading by banks and outlaw financial firms

The Hard Work on Financial Reform – Editorial

The procedural vote in the Senate last week on financial reform did more than end a Republican filibuster. It set up the real test of the Democrats’ resolve to enact the kind of change that the nation’s financial system so badly needs. Achieving that requires passing amendments to strengthen the

Merkley backing a push to give states strong powers to regulate insurance

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is leading an effort to ensure state insurance regulators keep strong powers under Wall Street overhaul legislation Buried in the 1,400-page bill to revamp the financial regulatory system is a provision to create a new Office of National Insurance to monitor insurers at the federal level.

Business owners weigh in on reform

Members of the Pendleton business community Friday told Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley that loans are still tough to get and financial reform needs to make common sense. The Democrat met with a dozen business owners and leaders during a closed-door session Friday at the Heritage Station Museum. With financial reform

Goldman Scrutiny Makes Case For ‘Volcker Rule,’ Senators Say

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)–The intense scrutiny surrounding Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s (GS) potential conflict of interest in packaging and selling mortgage-backed securities could give a boost to lawmakers hoping to tighten banking rules in a Senate financial-overhaul bill. Sen. Carl Levin (D., Mich.), who chairs the panel that subjected Goldman executives
