Press Releases

Merkley, Wyden Announce $1.75 Million to Bolster Regenerative Agriculture on Working Lands

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) approved 3 grants—totaling $1,755,163.61—to fund conservation efforts in Oregon and across the region. This funding from the Conservation Partners Program will provide farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners with targeted technical

Merkley, Wyden Join Colleagues to Introduce “True LEADership Act” to Remove Lead from Pipes and Invest More in America’s Crumbling Water Infrastructure

WASHINGTON – Today, Oregon’s Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden joined Senate Democrats to introduce the Testing, Removal and Updated Evaluations of Lead Everywhere in America for Dramatic Enhancements that Restore Safety to Homes, Infrastructure and Pipes Act of 2016, or True LEADership Act (S.2821). The True LEADership Act is a comprehensive plan that

Merkley Announces $58 Million In Housing Funds for State of Oregon

Portland, OR — Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced that Oregon would receive an additional $58 million from the U.S. Department of Treasury to assist Oregonians who are struggling with the housing crisis gripping the state.  Today’s announcement adds to the $36 million that was announced two months ago by

Merkley Denounces Lack of Action on E-Cigarette Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today on the Senate floor, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley denounced the Administration’s ongoing inaction in finalizing the proposed tobacco deeming rule, and called for the rule to be finalized as quickly as possible. Finalizing the rule is essential to putting in place regulations for e-cigarettes and other
