Press Releases

Wyden, Merkley Announce $1.9 Million to Promote Sustainable Forest Health for Small-Acreage Forest Landowners

Washington D.C.—U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced a federal investment of $1.9 million for the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to connect underserved and small acreage forest landowners to emerging carbon markets that provide incentives to improve forest management, including reforestation and other sustainable practices, for a healthier climate.

Massive Mortgage Servicing Problems Exposed

To keep families in their homes, we must address this unproductive dual-track modification system, cut down the piles of paperwork that families are forced to sift through, and make mortgage modifications faster and more effective.

Merkley Celebrates Grand Opening of New Affordable Housing Building in Eugene

Eugene, OR – Today, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley helped celebrate the grand opening of the Donald L. Lamb Building, a mixed used complex with commercial space and 35 affordable housing units. The Donald L. Lamb Building is a St. Vincent de Paul affordable housing project that includes four units dedicated

Merkley and Levin Instruct Regulators to Follow Congressional Intent on Volcker Rule

Washington, D.C. – In a letter to federal regulators charged with implementing the Merkley-Levin provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act Friday, U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Carl Levin provided explicit instructions regarding their statutory intent to restrict high-risk proprietary trading and conflicts of interest at financial firms.   As the primary co-authors
