Press Releases

Wyden, Merkley, Bonamici, Dexter Announce $5 Million for Sustainable Community Development Projects in Portland Metro Area

Washington D.C.—U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley with U.S. Representatives Suzanne Bonamici and Maxine Dexter today announced a federal investment of $5 million for projects in the Portland metro area that develop zero-emission transit to connect disadvantaged communities to jobs, education, economic opportunity, public spaces and parks. “Having reliable

Merkley Statement on National Unemployment Rate

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released a statement today following the announcement by the Department of Labor that job losses were lower than expected even though the national unemployment rate climbed to 9.4 percent.   “The loss of nearly 350,000 jobs last month is unacceptable.  While some experts

Merkley: Attacks On Vote-By-Mail Have No Place in Employee Free Choice Debate

Washington, DC – In recent days, opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act have turned their fire toward a voting method that has been used successfully in Oregon for over a decade:  vote-by-mail.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley today laid out the facts for these new opponents of vote-by-mail. “Unfortunately, opponents

Merkley: Waves Can Power Clean Energy Economy

Newport, OR – Wave energy can help lead Oregon and America into the clean energy economy. That was one of the conclusions reached at a roundtable conversation organized by Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley.  Merkley assembled researchers, stakeholders and industry experts for a wave energy roundtable at the Hatfield Marine Science Center.
