Merkley Slams Bernhardt Confirmation: “The Worst of DC Corruption”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement on the confirmation of David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary:

“Today’s confirmation of David Bernhardt represents the worst of DC corruption. The idea that an oil and gas lobbyist would be put in charge of our nation’s public lands and natural resources is like a bad joke from the robber baron era.

“As Bernhardt’s ethically-questionable tenure at Interior to date has demonstrated, he may have changed the location of his office since his work as a lobbyist, but he hasn’t changed his fundamental purpose. He still apparently sees his primary mission as helping oil and gas special interests develop and profit off of fossil fuel extraction as quickly and cheaply as possible, no matter the cost to public health, the environment, or taxpayers. Today, a dark cloud hangs over our Interior Department and our public lands across America.”
