Merkley Statement on Putin’s Re-Invasion of Ukraine

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he is launching a military operation re-invading Ukraine:

“Russia today is not only attacking Ukraine, it is attacking the very foundations of the international order. Those laws and norms were put in place after World War II to prevent the world from once again facing the devastation of global conflict, to prevent maps from being redrawn by force, and to prevent civilians from suffering at the hands of brutal dictators. War inflicts unspeakable tragedies and suffering, destroying lives, homes and businesses, wealth, and the environment. This reckless military campaign by Russia will be no different.  

“I join in unity with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and with the administration in urging Russia to end this illegal incursion. And I stand ready to exact the most punishing economic costs on Moscow and its leadership that have ever been brought to bear, in concert with our allies. At the same time, we must do all we can to support the Ukrainian people, particularly those who are forced to flee their homes. Innocent civilians should not be trapped in the crosshairs. Russia will continue to pay for its aggression.”   

