
End Price Gouging for Medications Act

I wrote the End Pricing Gouging for Medications Act because we need to stop Big Pharma’s price gouging in its tracks and make sure essential medicine is affordable for everyone in our country. Read more about the End Price Gouging for Medications Act:

Senator Merkley Highlights the Need for Climate Action in Hearing – Opening Statement

Senator Merkley highlights the critical importance of investing in climate action and tackling our plastic pollution crisis during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies hearing titled, “A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Environmental Protection Agency” on May 1, 2024. Watch

Senator Merkley Drills Down on Big Oil Lies in Budget Committee Hearing

Senator Merkley asks Representative Raskin about Big Oil’s efforts to avoid accountability for its role in climate chaos in a Senate Budget Committee Hearing titled, “Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid, Accountability for Climate Change” on May 1, 2024. Watch the full hearing:

The Beat with Ari Melber

(Originally posted May 22nd, 2020) – What we have under the Trump administration is a wholesale attack on the structure of the Constitution, as this president systemically destroys the checks and balances of our government.

The Rebuilding Main Street Act

(Originally streamed live May 19th, 2020) – I’m LIVE right now with Senators Chris Van Hollen and Chris Murphy to talk about our new bill that will give small businesses the flexibility and financial help they need right now. Join us!

To our nurses and front line health care workers…

(Originally posted May 11th, 2020) – Our nurses and front line health care workers are more than just heroes. They’re life-saving medical professionals who are begging our government to get them the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to battle the coronavirus in our communities. There’s no excuse for the

UPDATE: Coronavirus 3 Aid Package

Still at the Capitol. Desk is chaos now. PB&J’s keeping me going through long hours of negotiations. Handful of Republican Senators holding aid hostage now over unemployment benefits for Americans of all things. We need to get this passed NOW.

Update on Stranded Oregonians Abroad

(Originally posted March 24th, 2020) – In my Senate office, hoping for a vote on the third coronavirus relief bill tonight, and wanted to take a second to talk about another critical issue: getting stranded Oregonians and Americans home ASAP. My team and I are working in overdrive to get
