
End Price Gouging for Medications Act

I wrote the End Pricing Gouging for Medications Act because we need to stop Big Pharma’s price gouging in its tracks and make sure essential medicine is affordable for everyone in our country. Read more about the End Price Gouging for Medications Act:

Senator Merkley Highlights the Need for Climate Action in Hearing – Opening Statement

Senator Merkley highlights the critical importance of investing in climate action and tackling our plastic pollution crisis during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies hearing titled, “A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Environmental Protection Agency” on May 1, 2024. Watch

Senator Merkley Drills Down on Big Oil Lies in Budget Committee Hearing

Senator Merkley asks Representative Raskin about Big Oil’s efforts to avoid accountability for its role in climate chaos in a Senate Budget Committee Hearing titled, “Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid, Accountability for Climate Change” on May 1, 2024. Watch the full hearing:

Merkley: Improving veterans care

Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley joins Senators Mike Rounds (R-SD), Mark Warner (D-VA), and Thom Tillis (R-NC) along with veterans groups and health care advocates to introduce the Veterans Health Care Staffing Improvement Act—a bill that would make common-sense changes in VA staffing policies to improve veterans care and working conditions

Merkley: Keep fossil fuels in the Ground

Senator Jeff Merkley, Senator Bernie Sanders, and national climate leaders hold a rally to unveil major new climate legislation to combat climate change and keep fossil fuels in the ground. This legislation for the first time will aggressively tackle the role of extraction of oil, gas and coal on federal

Merkley to OMB: Finalize new tobacco regulations

Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley speaks on the Senate floor to urge the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to complete its review of a long-overdue rule to regulate e-cigarettes and other forms of tobacco as quickly as possible. Read more here:
