
End Price Gouging for Medications Act

I wrote the End Pricing Gouging for Medications Act because we need to stop Big Pharma’s price gouging in its tracks and make sure essential medicine is affordable for everyone in our country. Read more about the End Price Gouging for Medications Act:

Senator Merkley Highlights the Need for Climate Action in Hearing – Opening Statement

Senator Merkley highlights the critical importance of investing in climate action and tackling our plastic pollution crisis during a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies hearing titled, “A Review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Environmental Protection Agency” on May 1, 2024. Watch

Senator Merkley Drills Down on Big Oil Lies in Budget Committee Hearing

Senator Merkley asks Representative Raskin about Big Oil’s efforts to avoid accountability for its role in climate chaos in a Senate Budget Committee Hearing titled, “Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak: Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid, Accountability for Climate Change” on May 1, 2024. Watch the full hearing:

We Must Put People Ahead of Dirty Energy Profits

I refuse to accept a system in which the fossil fuel industry buys our elections to push their planet-destroying policies. We must put people over dirty energy profits and transition to renewable energy.

Senator Merkley Calls Out Chinese Government’s Human Rights Abuses

Senator Merkley calls for the U.S. to strengthen enforcement of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, hold the Chinese government accountable for its perpetration of transnational repression, and to continue to block the export of crowd control supplies to the Hong Kong police in a press conference on May 3,

Senator Jeff Merkley Testifies in Support of SAFE Banking Act

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley spoke in support of the bipartisan SAFE Banking Act at a Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing titled, “Examining Cannabis Banking Challenges of Small Businesses and Workers” on May 11, 2023. Senator Merkley and Montana Senator Steve Daines introduced the SAFE Banking
