Republican Blockade of Student Loan Bill Leaves Students and Economy Behind

WASHINGTON – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after Republicans in the Senate filibustered a bill that would allow students and graduates to refinance student loans into lower interest rates:

“When the people’s representatives put millionaires and billionaires before middle-class students who are struggling under the weight of student loans, something is very wrong. This bill is common sense: If you can refinance your home or your car, why not your student loan?

“As I travel around Oregon, I hear from family after family the same thing the statistics tell: Ballooning student loan debt is a huge burden on recent graduates and on our entire economy. It’s a crisis, and inaction is unacceptable. We can’t afford for college to become a luxury that is out of reach for the middle class. I’ll keep working on every front to make college more affordable and ensure that every Oregonian has a fair shot at the American Dream.”

