Senate Dem: Call for Trump resignation boils down to ‘fundamental accountability’

Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) on Tuesday reiterated his call for President Trump‘s resignation, explaining on CNN that the women who are accusing Trump should be treated the same as other victims of sexual misconduct.

Merkley told CNN’s “New Day” that Trump’s accusers should be heard and have their chance to tell their stories.

“I think we should give full opportunity for these women who the president completely discounted and said are inauthentic, unbelievable, never happened. It’s only fair that we give them the full chance to tell their story before the American people,” Merkley said.

When pressed by host Alisyn Camerota on why he would call for the president’s resignation before hearing the women speak, Merkley responded that it came down to “accountability.”

“Well, it’s fundamental accountability,” Merkley responded. “Alisyn, there were over 40 senators that said it was the right thing for Sen. [Al] Franken [D-Minn.] to step down. But if you believe that that’s the case, wouldn’t you also believe that it’s the right thing for the president to step down? Who has a far more serious set of stories.”

“He’s grabbed women’s butts, he’s grabbed their breasts, he’s grabbed their genitals. He’s bragged about it in a variety of forms,” Merkley continued. “It’s just a horrendous list of treatment of women, and this is why if you called for Franken to step down, don’t you have to also say it’s the right thing for the president to step down?”

Merkley joined several other Democratic senators this week in calling for Trump’s resignation, including Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and fellow Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden (D).

Wyden on Monday called for a congressional investigation into the multiple accusations by women of sexual assault and misconduct against the president.

“These women are right,” Wyden wrote Monday. “If @realDonaldTrump won’t resign, Congress must investigate allegations by many, many women that he sexually assaulted and harassed them. No one is above the law.”
