Senate Democrats to Release a Policy Agenda

Moving into general-election mode, Senate Democrats on Thursday will begin rolling out a policy agenda meant to answer, at least in part, Republican plans coming out of the House.

“A Better Way,” the name of the Republican proposals announced bySpeaker Paul D. Ryan, will vie with “We the People,” the title of the Democrats’ plan.

Led by Senators Chuck Schumer of New York, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Tom Udall of New Mexico and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, the Democrats’ package will include Senate bills — likely to never see the light of day on the floor under Republican control — that would hit campaign contributions, lobbying laws and other accountability issues.

One measure would require organizations spending money in elections, including “super PACs,” to disclose donors who give $10,000 or more during an election cycle. Another would require all candidates for federal office to report campaign contributions over $1,000 to the Federal Election Commission within 48 hours. The Democrats would also seek a permanent ban on lobbying by former members of Congress, a major change from the current two-year prohibition.

Democrats plan to take their message on the road this summer, highlighting Republican opposition and generally painting the conservative party as being in bed with special interests.

“Billions of dollars in dark money are swamping our elections, empowering the special interests, undermining our democracy, and dragging Congress to a halt,” Mr. Schumer said in an email. “Getting the undisclosed money out of politics and reforming our lobbying rules will create a healthier democracy and a Congress that can actually get things done for the American people.”
