Timothy Vollmer

Throughout the pandemic, Jeff has spoken with workers, business owners, and families about how the coronavirus crisis has made so many existing economic hardships even more difficult to weather—and has remained fully committed to doing everything possible to help Oregonians get the federal relief they need to stay afloat.

That’s why Jeff’s team was eager to help when Timothy Vollmer, a 75-year-old veteran from Eugene, reached out for assistance after he didn’t receive his second or third stimulus checks.

Timothy initially contacted the IRS for assistance, but waited for months with no response before deciding to reach out to Jeff. Team Merkley worked with the IRS and discovered that Timothy’s stimulus direct deposit payments were cancelled and the checks weren’t delivered. At Team Merkley’s urging, the IRS responded quickly to address the errors, and within a few weeks, Timothy’s checks were in his bank account.

“It was a great relief and I am most grateful,” Timothy wrote to Jeff’s office.

Jeff knows our nation owes veterans a great debt—and has a long way to go to support veterans in the way they deserve. Making sure that they received their stimulus funds was just one small way that Jeff’s team could help. As Jeff says, our veterans stood up for us, and now we need to stand up to them.
