William Goldman

Jeff Merkley understands the importance of detailed consideration when calculating veteran disability pensions. He is honored to provide advice and aid to Oregonian veterans as they maneuver the VA system.

Jeff took action to help veteran constituent William Goldman redeem his disability benefits last summer when Mr. Goldman informed the Senator that the VA had erroneously slashed his monthly pension by $15. Apparently, Mr. Goldman had received notice from the VA earlier in the year stating that they would be reducing his pension payment despite Mr. Goldman’s continued need. With aid from a county veteran services representative, Mr. Goldman was able to appeal the reduction. However, after six months of waiting Mr. Goldman still had not received an updated monthly payment amount. Jeff’s team spoke to the VA on Mr. Goldman’s behalf and prompted the agency to amend their error. Within a few weeks, the VA restored the $15 a month they had taken, and increased Mr. Goldman’s pension by an additional $10 a month in light of the evidence he provided.

Jeff is happy to have the opportunity to give Mr. Goldman’s case its due diligence. This success highlights the value of Jeff’s dedication to his constituents. Every case matters and Jeff is proud to do what he can to help Oregon’s best. 
