Wyden, Merkley Resolution Honoring 100th Anniversary of 41st Division Passes Senate

Washington, DC – A resolution sponsored by Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Oregon-based 41st Division has passed the Senate. 

“The 41st Infantry Division and its successor units have distinguished themselves for their bravery and heroism from World War I right up until today,” Wyden said after the Senate passed the resolution late Tuesday by unanimous consent.  “I’m so proud to be able to honor these men and women whose tremendous legacy remains an inspiration for future generations to build upon in the years to come.”

“For a century — from fighting on the Western Front to providing support on American soil after major natural disasters — the men and women of Oregon’s 41st have bravely served our country,” Merkley said. “I am honored to thank the 41st Infantry Division for their unyielding courage and service.”

The 41st Division was established within the Army in 1917 and deployed to the Western Front during World War I. During World War II, the division set up defenses along the West Coast before deploying overseas to New Guinea and the Philippines for some of the war’s most vicious jungle fighting.

In 1968, the Oregon element of the 41st Infantry Division was reorganized and redesignated the 41st Infantry Brigade within the Oregon National Guard.

Since 1999, elements of the 41st Infantry Brigade have deployed to Saudi Arabia, the Sinai Peninsula, Iraq and Afghanistan. The 41st also has helped to provide disaster relief stateside in the aftermaths of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.
