Wyden, Merkley Statement on Resignation of Roseburg VA Director Doug Paxton

Portland – U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today issued the following statement about the resignation of Roseburg VA Director Doug Paxton:

“It’s been clear from the growing number of troubling reports from veterans served in Roseburg’s VA system that change is needed to provide the top-notch care those veterans deserve,” Wyden and Merkley said.

“We hope this change marks a needed step forward to achieve the goal of transforming the VA’s Roseburg system into a place worthy of the veterans who rely on it for quality health care,” the senators said. “Rest assured, we will continue to work with Congressman DeFazio to ensure this management change and other steps to move the VA to address longstanding allegations of substandard care, misconduct, mismanagement, retaliation toward whistle-blowers and a toxic work environment.”

